The Colin Murray Parkes Scholarship

Advancing knowledge in the field of thanatology in clinical practice and/or in the community


The idea for this scholarship came from the insight that Colin’s pioneer research contributions have tremendously advanced the field of thanatology. When asked what made him surmount the many challenges of being unsupported in the early days, he said: “After being against it, I had my professor convinced; it was his unwavering support then that made me go forward.”

It is this unwavering support that IWG wants to convey to its members through the “Colin Murray Parkes Scholarship.” Colin felt very honoured and enthusiastic when he was asked about this scholarship a few days after the Oslo meeting and following approval of the idea by the IWG Board.

Each of us has been chosen to be an IWG member because of our dedication, commitment to this field, and role as leaders in our country and/or beyond. As members of IWG we all experience an enriching sense of collegiality, we support each other, we challenge our thinking, and we commit ourselves to advance our field. It is in this spirit that the Colin Murray Parkes Scholarship has been proposed and approved by the IWG Board.

Scholarship Applicants

IWG members who wish to be scholarship applicants must submit a proposal for a research project that will advance knowledge in the field of thanatology in clinical practice, and/or in the community. The Scholarship recipient will be allowed to add “CM Parkes Scholar – IWGDDB, 2024-2025” to any publication and to his/her name.

Scholarship Committee

A Scholarship Committee, appointed by the Board, will be comprised of three senior IWG members with extended research, clinical and teaching experience in the field. Tis committee is Prof. Em. Betty Davies, Prof. Danai Papadatou and Dr. Ruthmarijke Smeding. This committee will select from the submitted proposals the IWG member who will be awarded the scholarship. The recipient of the scholarship will then have an obligation to submit in writing to the IWG membership the outcomes of his/her research project and present the results in person at an IWG meeting or online.

Scholarship Applications

Applications should be submitted by 30.08.2024.

Download and complete the CMP Scholarship Application.

Applications are to be submitted to the Scholarship Committee at

The Scholarship Committee will make a recommendation to the Board within two months of the closing date.

Scholarship Duration

The research project should be completed between two IWG meetings. The applicant may request an extension depending on the length required to complete the research project.

Caveat: If the project has not been finished, for whatever reason, the applicant must return the funds received back to the scholarship fund.

Donate to the Colin Murray Parkes Scholarship Fund

IWG members are invited to donate to the Scholarship Fund and, through this, honour Colin’s memory and contribute to the International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement mission – to stimulate and enhance innovative ideas, research, and practice.
